JUMP TOPre-RequisiteBefore Getting StartedDirect Messaging APIUsing the Direct Messaging APIAccountGet A Session KeypostGet Your Account DetailsgetChange Your PasswordpostLogoutpostFolderList All FoldersgetCreate A New FolderpostDelete A FolderdeleteMessageGet Message SummariespostGet Unread MessagesgetSearch the InboxpostGet A MessagegetGet Message MetadatagetGet A MIME MessagegetSend A MessagepostSend A MIME MessagepostMove A MessagepostDelete A MessagedeleteRetract A MessagepostGroup MailboxesShow DelegatesgetAdd DelegatesputDelete DelegatesdeleteShow Groupbox MembershipgetGet Group Inbox MIDpostGet Group Message SummariespostGet Group InboxgetGet Unread Group InboxgetDirect HPD Search APIUsing the HPD Search APIGet A Session KeypostSearch The HPDgetNPI SearchgetDirect Provisioning APIUsing the Direct Provisioning APICertificateRequest an Organizational CertificatepostRequest an Address CertificatepostRequest a Patient CertificatepostRevoke a CertificatepostCheck Certificate StatuspostUserProvision A UserpostDelete A UserpostCheck A User's Provisioning StatuspostSecure Messaging API V3Using the Secure Messaging API (V3)AccountRetrieves details about the current user's account.getRetrieves the current user's settings.getRetrieves a specified Cobrand. If the specified Cobrand is not found, default values are returned.getChanges a user's password.putTriggers the forgot password workflow for a user (first step in the forgot password process).postResets a user's password. Last step of the forgot password workflow process.putSubmits password reset security question answers. 2nd step of the forgot password workflow process (if security questions are required to be answered for the user).postRetrieves a list of security questions a user can choose from when selecting their password reset security questions and setting their answers.getSets the password security question answers for the current user.postContactsGet a list of Address book contactsgetCreate a Address book contactpostGet a contact information by the IdgetFileDownload a file for a given fileId.getDELETE A FILEdeleteUpload a file to a new message (as an attachment).postUpload a file to an existing message (as an attachment).postMessageGet a MIME message for a given Message ID (MID)getGET MESSAGE METADATAgetGenerates a reply to a given message as the user associated with the access token.postForwards a given message as the user associated with the access token.postRetracts a message from any recipients that have received the message.patchMove a particular message into a specific folder.patchCreate new draft message.postUpdate a draft message.putSend a draft.patchGet a message.getRetrieves the message summary information of all messages using the specified criteria.getSend a new message.postRetrieves the unique messageIds of messages using the specified criteria.getDelete a message from a folderdeleteSends a formatted MIME message.postFoldersThis method is used to retrieve a list of the user’s folders and corresponding statistics.getCreate a folderpostUpdate a folderputDelete a folderdeleteTokenRetrieves an access token.postRevoke a tokendeleteChallenge endpoint to request MFA (via Email). Call this endpoint to MFA via email when you receive MFA required error in the token endpoint.postSecure Admin APIUsing The Secure Admin APIAuthenticationGet A Session KeypostGet An Encryption KeypostCreate A New Encryption Key (PSK)postAccountList User AccountspostCreate a User AccountpostView a User AccountpostUpdate a User AccountpostDelete a User AccountpostGet UserTypesgetSecure Provisioning APIUsing The Secure Provisioning APIProvision a CompanypostGet an Encryption KeypostCreate New Encryption KeypostSecure Message DeliveryUsing the Secure Message Delivery APISend a Secure MessagepostTrack a Secure MessagegetRetract a Secure MessagedeleteClinical Message DeliveryUsing the Clinical Message Delivery APISend a Secure MessagepostTrack a Secure MessagegetPowered by Move A Messagepost https://sandbox.dmhisp.com/SecureMessagingApi/Message/{MessageId}/MoveSends a properly formatted MIME message.